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  The company "SPIRAL FLEX" founded in 1986.

  Barbed Tape Concertina wire "SPIRAL FLEX" was developed to replace standard barbed wire, to deter, obstruct and protect.

  The SPIRAL FLEX wire consists of a steel strip reinforced with high tensile wire and spear - like barbs at close intervals. Heavy duty clips form a concertina configuration with diameters from 450 mm to 1.000 mm.

  The coils can be attached to existing fences or used independently as a barrier line. The system is used widely by the military, industry, commerce, prisons, airports, refineries, etc.

  "SPIRAL FLEX" provides for a wide variety of installation configurations, any one of which may be selected to meet the degree of security required, according to the need at any particular site.


Ñ.Ï. ÂÏ× 1352 Larissa, 41110 - Greece
Tel : +30 2410 575352
Fax: +30 2410 575354
Company profile of SPIRALFLEX security fencing industry in Greece
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